Walter J. Veith, Ph.D.
Walter Veith obtained his doctorate in zoology from the University
of Cape Town in 1979. He is one of few scientists who believes
that the theory of evolution does not provide a plausible explanation
of our origins, nor does the geological and paleontological data support
evolution over long periods of time, but rather implies catastrophism
which is consistent with the Genesis account. He lectures internationally
on this topic and has undertaken extensive tours to Europe, Africa
and North America. Professor Veith's research field is nutritional
physiology and his research concentrates on the affect of modern animal
husbandry on the incidence of disease transferal to man. This highly
controversial topic is of vital significance in view of the increase
in epidemics and diseases such as Mad Cows Disease. His research concentrates
on degenerative diseases caused by incorrect nutrition and particularly
diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer. But he is also
concerned about the impact of the use of antibiotics in producing
a new breed of antibiotic-resistant bacteria which are causing food
poisoning epidemics around the world. Professor Veith and his team
have presented numerous lectures on the topic. Their research has
been presented at international conferences on nutrition and disease,
and their findings have proved that diet impacts directly on numerous
degenerative diseases. Professor Veith is one of only 5 scientists
in South Africa honored with the Royal Society London Grant for (RDP)
the Reconstruction and Development Program to establish a research
climate in post-apartheid South Africa.
Veith has written a number of books on the above topics, and is a
world-renowned speaker and scientist. His book, Diet
and Health, (in which latest
insights including his own research are presented) is published by
the prestigious scientific publisher: Stuttgart Scientific Publishers
(Stuttgart Wissenschaftlicher Verlag), which publishes books for the
medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry and is available
on the world-wide market. In addition, Professor Veith has written
two other books: Genesis Conflict
-an eye-opening study of the evolutionary theory and the evidences of
creation found in the natural world and genetics. An excellent
companion to Dr. Veith's evolution series; also Truth
Matters - Escaping the Labyrinth of Error -
a detailed study presenting Biblical answers to doctrinal questions
such as, Was Jesus the Messiah?, Where do the dead go when they die?
How will this world end?, and includes a discussion of the prophecies
of the Bible and their interpretation. A book of over 400 pages, Truth
Matters provides an
authoritative study on the subjects presented by Professor Veith
during his Bible seminars.
these worthy attributes, Professor Veith is deeply interested in the
ecological deterioration of our planet and is convinced that this
state of affairs has been predicted in Biblical prophecy. He is an
ardent student of Biblical prophecy and the veracity of the Bible,
which he believes is proved by the science of archaeology as well as
the fulfillment of numerous prophecies found in the Bible. He
believes that the Bible has a message to modern man. Professor
Veith's many lectures on all of his topics, including the Bible ones,
are available on video, and viewers find them unique, eye-opening,
and controversial.